Maju trus pntang mundur

Bla tdak kita mundur . . Itu tandanya kita kurang berjuang . . . Bla ingin jadi kaya mesti berjuang tuk mncapai 7an tersebut

Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

rahasia bermain yoyo

Pernah anda bermain yoyo? Bagaimana yoyo dapat berputar dan menggelinding di udara, lalu kembali lagi ke dalam genggaman kita? Mau tahu rahasianya, begini penjelasannya.
Saat masih berada dalam genggaman, yoyo yang berbentuk seperti roda itu memiliki dua jenis energi potensial: potensi untuk jatuh dan potensi untuk berputar. Saat dilepaskan, kedua energi potensial tersebut akan berubah menjadi momentum. Daya tarik gravitasi Bumi membuat yoyo tertarik lurus ke bawah, sehingga yoyo mengalami momentum linier (dengan lintasan garis lurus). Sementara tali yang melilit di poros yoyo terurai. Akibatnya, yoyo berputar dan mengalami momentum angular (dengan lintasan melingkar).
Pada saat tali yoyo telah terurai sepenuhnya, yoyo tidak dapat meluncur lebih jauh lagi. Paling-paling ya cuma sepanjang tali itu. Meski begitu, momentum angular yang tersisa masih bisa membuat yoyo berputar di tempat. Gerakan berputar yang kuat ini memungkinkan yoyo stabil pada poros putarnya. Bahkan sekalipun didorong ke salah satu sisi, yoyo akan berputar seperti semula.
Bagaimana itu bisa terjadi? Karena titik lokasi yang kita dorong itu terus berputar dengan cepat. Dalam waktu sangat singkat, titik lokasi itu akan mencapai sisi yang berseberangan pada piringan yoyo. Akibatnya, gaya dorong yang diberikan akan terjadi pada dua lokasi secara nyaris bersamaan. Dua gaya yang sama besar tetapi berlawanan arah itu akan saling meniadakan.
Lantas, mengapa yoyo dapat kembali berputar ke dalam genggaman tangan? Ini terjadi karena tali melilit poros yoyo dengan cukup erat. Saat yoyo berputar di tempat, poros yang turut berputar itu akan bergesekan dengan tali, dan akhirnya kembali menggulung tali.
Walau demikian, gaya gesekan antara poros dan tali juga mengakibatkan hilangnya momentum angular pada yoyo. Maka untuk membantu pross kembalinya yoyo ke genggaman tangan, pemain yoyo harus menyentak sedikit tali pengikatnya. Dengan begitu, pemain memberikan energi tambahan yang cukup bagi yoyo untuk pulang ke genggaman tangan pemainnya.
Nah, kini Anda tidak sekedar pintar main yoyo, tetapi juga paham bagaimana peristiwa itu terjadi.

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Senin, 01 Juni 2009

Layang-layang sebagai sumber listrik

JAKARTA, SELASA - Siap menyangka layang-layang yang selama ini hanya sekadar pelampiasan hobi dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membangkitkan listrik. Para peneliti di Universitas Delft Belanda telah membuktikan bahwa sebuah layang-layang yang diterbangkan dapat menghasilkan listrik 10 kilowatt.
Dalam demonstrasi tersebut, pakar energi terbarukan Prof Wubbo Ockels menggunakan layang-layang yang memiliki luas permukaan 10 meter persegi. Untuk menghasilkan listrik di generator, ia memanfaatkan uluran tali saat layang-layang bergerak naik. Saat layang-layang sampai pada ketinggian maksimum, tali digulung kembali dan proses tersebut diulang dari awal.
Pada percobaan berikutnya, ia dan timnya akan menguji layang-layang bernama Laddermill yang dapat menghasilkan listrik 50 kilowatt. Target jangka panjang yang ingin dicapai adalah membangun jaringan layang-layang untuk membangkitkan listrik hingga 100 megawatt.

Potensi layang-layang untuk menghasilkan listrik juga pada kemampuannya melayang sangat tinggi. Pemasangan kincir pada layang-layang berpotensi menghasilkan daya putar lebih baik daripada kincir angin di darat. Untuk menyalurkannya menggunakan tali konduktor sebagai pengganti kabel.
Sebagai perbandingan pada ketinggian 80 meter, kecepatan angin rata-rata 5 meter per detik. Pada ketinggian 800 meter, kecepatan angin rata-rata 7 meter perdetik. Karena energi yang dikumpulkan sebanding dengan pangkat tiga dari nilai kecepatannya, kincir pada ketinggian 800 meter mampu membangkitkan energi lima kali lipat kincir yang sama pada ketinggian 80 meter. Membangun tiang kincir angin hingga setinggi 800 meter bisa dikatakan tak ekonomis. Namun, menerbangkan layang-layang pada ketinggian tersebut memungkinkan.
Beberapa ilmuwan sebelumnya telah mengeksplorasi pemanfaatan layang-layang untuk membangkitkan listrik. Pada 2007, Google juga menyalurkan dana filantrofinya kepada perusahaan layang-layang Makani di AS senilai 10 juta dollar AS. Sebuah perusahaan Italia bernama Kitagen juga tengah mengembangkan sistem jaringan layang-layang yang dikembangkan untuk membangkitkan listrik hingga hitungan gigawatt setara sebuah fasilitas pembangkit listrik komersial.

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10 Manfaat Air Putih

1. Memperlancar sistem pencernaan
Mengkonsumsi air dalam jumlah cukup setiap hari akan memperlancar sistem pencernaan sehingga kita akan terhindari dari masalah-masalah pencernaan seperti maag ataupun sembelit. Pembakaran kalori juga akan berjalan efisien.
2. Air putih membantu memperlambat tumbuhnya zat-zat penyebab kanker, plus mencegah penyakit batu ginjal dan hati. Minum air putih akan membuat tubuh lebih berenergi.
3. Perawatan kecantikan
Bila kurang minum air putih, tubuh akan menyerap kandungan air dalam kulit sehingga kulit menjadi kering dan berkerut. Selain itu, air putih dapat melindungi kulit dari luar, sekaligus melembabkan dan menyehatkan kulit.
4. Untuk kesuburan
Meningkatkan produksi hormon testosteron pada pria serta hormon estrogen pada wanita.
Menurut basil penelitian dari sebuah lembaga riset trombosis di London, Inggris, jika seseorang selalu mandi dengan air dingin maka peredaran darahnya lancar dan tubuh terasa lebih segar dan bugar. Mandi dengan air dingin akan meningkatkan produksi sel darah putih dalam tubuh serta meningkatkan kemampuan seseorang terhadap serangan virus. Bahkan, mandi dengan air dingin di waktu pagi dapat meningkatkan produksi hormon testosteron pada pria serta hormon estrogen pada wanita. Dengan begitu kesuburan serta kegairahan seksual pun akan meningkat. Selain itu jaringan kulit membaik, kuku lebih sehat dan kuat, tak mudah retak.
5. Menyehatkan jantung
Air juga diyakini dapat ikut menyembuhkan penyakit jantung, rematik, kerusakan kulit, penyakit saluran papas, usus, dap penyakit kewanitaan, dll.
6. Sebagai obat stroke
Air panas tak hanya digunakan untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit kulit, tapi juga efektif untuk mengobati lumpuh, seperti karena stroke. Sebab, air tersebut dapat membantu memperkuat kembali otot-otot dan ligamen serta memperlancar sistem peredaran darah dan sistem pernapasan. Efek panas menyebabkan pelebaran pembuluh darah, meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan oksigenisasi jaringan, sehingga mencegah kekakuan otot, menghilangkan rasa nyeri serta menenangkan pikiran.
7. Efek relaksasi
Cobalah berdiri di bawah shower dan rasakan efeknya di tubuh. Pancuran air yang jatuh ke tubuh terasa seperti pijatan dan mampu menghilangkan rasa capek karena terasa seperti dipijat. Sejumlah pakar pengobatan alternatif mengatakan, bahwa bersentuhan dengan air mancur, berjalan-jalan di sekitar air terjun, atau sungai dan taman dengan banyak pancuran, akan memperoleh khasiat ion-ion negatif. Ion-ion negatif yang timbul karena butiran-butiran air yang berbenturan itu bisa meredakan rasa sakit, menetralkan racun, memerangi penyakit, serta membantu menyerap dan memanfaatkan oksigen.
8. Menguruskan badan
Air putih juga bersifat menghilangkan kotoran-kotoran dalam tubuh yang akan lebih cepat keluar lewat urine. Bagi yang ingin menguruskan badan pun, minum air hangat sebelum makan (sehingga merasa agak kenyang) merupakan satu cara untuk mengurangi jumlah makanan yang masuk. Apalagi air tidak mengandung kalori, gula, ataupun lemak. Mau kurus?, minum air putih saja.
9. Tubuh lebih bugar
Khasiat air tak hanya untuk membersihkan tubuh saja tapi juga sebagai zat yang sangat diperlukan tubuh. kita mungkin lebih dapat bertahan kekurangan makan beberapa hari ketimbang kurang air. Sebab, air merupakan bagian terbesar dalam komposisi tubuh manusia.

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75 Cara Untuk Menyelamatkan Bumi

1. Jangan menggunakan listrik untuk penerangan atau peralatan kecuali jika
anda benar-bnar sedang menggunakannya.
2. Menggunakan lampu luorescent (neon) yang hemat energi.
3. Pergunakan penerangan, pembangkit listrik, unit-unit pemanas bertenaga
4. Manfaatkan lebih banyak penerangan cahaya alam.
5. Pergunakan ventilasi yang struktural untuk penyejuk ruangan daripada
menggunakan Air Condition (AC)
6. Pergunakan air dingin, bukan air panas.
7. Pastikan peralatan bertenaga listrik tetap efisien dan terawat dengan
8. Pengendalian penerangan, alat pendingin udara secara otomatis, misal
dengan alat sensor cahaya
9. Pergunakan alat-alat pematul cahaya untuk menggantikan lampu penerangan.
10. Pergunakan film pelapis kaca atau rayban untuk mengurangi panas
11. Tanamlah tanaman sebanyak mungin di kebun anda untuk mengurangi
12. Jangan membakar apa saja, bahkan rokok.
13. Lengkapi mobil atau motor anda dengan katalisator.
14. Jika anda menghentikan kendaraan dalam waktu yang tidak lama, jangan
matikan mesin kendaraan anda.
15. Kurangi bawaan pada kendaraan anda untuk mengurangi beban, bahkan
mengeluarkan sebatang pensil dari kendaraanpun akan membantu.
16. Jangan membuang sesuatu yang dapat di daur ulang, seperti kaleng
aluminium dan kertas. Simpan dan berikan pemulung untuk dijual kembali.
17. Meminimalisir penggunaan styrofoam (gabus sintetik) untuk bungkus
18. Lihat dan periksa kembali jika anda menggunakan aerosol, cat, AC, apakah
mengandung khlorofluorokarbon (CFC).
19. Jangan beli barang apapun yang langsung dibuang sesudah dipakai sekali,
jika ada barang sejenis yang dapat dibeli sebagai investasi jangka panjang.
20. Belilah produk yang anda sukai sehingga produk tersebut tidak perlu
diganti sampai benar-benar rusak dan tidak dapat dipakai kembali.
21. Cobalah untuk tidak memiliki barang yang hanya memiliki nilai estetika
22. Berhati-hati dengan barang plastik yang anda beli karena ada beberapa
jenis plastik tidak dapat di daur ulang.
23. Bawalah tas anda sendiri jika hendak berbelanja yang terbuat dari kain
atau kanvas untuk mengurangi produk plastik.
24. Katakan pada seseorang jika anda melihatnya membuang sampah secara
25. Jangan sekali-sekali memotong tanaman atau menebang pohon karena
tetumbuhan membantu menyelamatkan bumi.
26. Sirami taman anda dengan air hujan, buat sistem tadah hujan.
27. Pergunakan air sehemat mungkin untuk mencuci kendaraan dan menyiram
kebun anda.
28. Pisahkan sampah yang dapat di daur ulang dan tidak.
29. Jangan membuang sampah kedalam saluran air, terusan air, sungai dan
30. Jangan gunakan bahan kimia terutama bahan detergen dan bahan pembersih
yang mengandung phospat.
31. Pakailah bahan pengganti zat kimia dalam rumah misal jus lemon dicampur
dengan garam,cuka dan amoniak.
32. Jangan menggunakan air lebih dari yang anda perlukan.
33. Apabila mungkin, air di daur ulang.
34. Jangan menggunakan air untuk membersihkan halaman jika dapat dibersihkan
dengan sapu.
35. Pastikanlah agar keran bekerja dengan baik dan pergunakan pancuran yang
mengalir pelan.
36. Periksa pembilas toilet berada dalam keadaan baik untuk menghindarkan
pembilasan yang tidak perlu.
37. Simpan air bekas dan mesin cuci pakaian untuk mencuci kendaraan anda.
38. Biasakan meminum air dengan tidak menyisakan air dalam gelas.
39. Jangan melakukan perjalanan, kecuali anda terpaksa melakukannya.
40. Jangan melakukan perjalanan dengan kendaraan pribadi, kecuali jika anda
memang terpaksa.
41. Pergunakan kendaraan umum untuk mengurangi kemacetan, karbon monoksida
dan ongkos parkir.
42. Pergunakan sepeda, jika jarak yang ditempuh relatif dekat.
43. Pergunakan bahan bakar yang bebas timah (unleaded fuel)
44. Pergunakan bahan bakar beroktan rendah.
45. Mengkonversi mesin kendaraan anda untuk memakai gas alam yang
46. Merawat mesin dengan teratur.
47. Pilih kendaraan yang menggunakan bahan bakar paling efisien.
48. Jika hendak mencetak (nge-print) periksa setting print terlebih dahulu,
pergunakan cetak draft untuk menghemat tinta.
49. Pergunakan dibalik kertas yang telah terpakai untuk kebutuhan intern.
50. Jangan pergunakan gambar-gambar yang yang tidak dibutuhkan dalam sebuah
tulisan, karena gambar membutuhkan tinta yang lebih.
51. Pilih jenis dan ukuran huruf yang standart.
52. Jangan mempergunakan pupuk yang mengandung zat kimia atau penyalahgunaan
53. Pergunakan bahan kimia untuk tanaman herbisida dan fungisida seefisien
54. Mulailah menanam tanaman dengan teknik hidroponik
55. Untuk pedagang keliling, jangan menghidupkan alat-alat yang menimbulkan
suara bising
56. Menghindarkan musik pengiring ditempat-tempat publik.
57. Jangan mengoperasikan peralatan pada jam-jam puncak istirahat.
58. Hindari memperdengarkan musik bersuara keras, sehingga mengaburkan bunyi
pengumuman yang penting.
59. Pastikan bahwa peralatan benar-benar kedap suara dan diservis untuk
memperkecil suara bising.
60. Pakailah alat penutup telinga jika bekerja pada mesin yang bersuara
61. Pastkan agar produk yag menimbulkan suara mengeluarkan suara sekecil
mungkin atau diisolasi.
62. Gunakanlah alat-alat musik pada tingkat suara yang wajar dan tidak
memekakkan telinga.
63. Jangan menempel poster,atribut organisasi atau hal-hal yang berbau
promosi di dinding atau tembok di area publik.
64. Hindari pemasangan tanda penunjuk atau rambu lebih dari satu sehingga
orang tidak dibingungan dengan rambu itu.
65. Pasanglah reklame atau baliho pada tingkat kewajaran.
66. Jangan bangun pabrik yang menimbulkan pencemaran di daerah pemukiman.
67. Pastikan adanya prasarana yang memadai untuk pembuangan seluruh limbah.
68. Meminimalisir tingkat asap beracun dan limbah cair yang rendah.
69. Cari informasi dari pemerintah mengenai standar pencemaran udara dan air
yang dapat diterima
70. Pergunakan bahan bakar yang paling sedikit menimbulkan pencemaran.
71. Pergunakan teknologi pembersih atau anti pencemaran yang ada untuk
menjaga agar prosesing pabrik anda menjadi bersih
72. Hindarkan pemakaian bahan-bahan beracun, kecuali jika hal tersebut
sangat diperlukan sekali
73. Jangan menanam limbah beracun tanpa nasehat ahli.
74. Jangan membuang limbah beracun di luar pabrik anda.
75. Jangan membakar limbah industri di tempat terbuka.

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Chelsea F.C. (Chelsea Football Club), juga dikenal sebagai The Blues atau sebelumnya sebagai The Pensioners (London F.C.), adalah sebuah klub sepak bola Inggris yang bermain di Liga Utama Inggris dan bermarkas di kota London. Klub ini didirikan oleh H.A. Mears pada tahun 1905, dan memiliki lapangan sendiri yang dapat menampung sekitar 42.360 penonton, bertempat di Fulham, London Barat.

Chelsea sudah menghabiskan banyak sejarah dalam dunia sepak bola Inggris, dan mengalami kesuksesan sebanyak dua periode, sepanjang tahun 1960-an dan awal 1970-an, kemudian pada akhir 1990-an hingga saat ini. Chelsea telah memenangi tiga gelar Liga Utama Inggris (1954-55, 2004-05, 2005-06), empat Piala FA (1970, 1997, 2000, 2007), empat Piala Liga (1965, 1998, 2005, 2007), dan dua Piala Winners (1971, 1998).

Manajer pertama adalah John Roberson (1905-1906). Chelsea menjuarai Liga Utama Inggris (Premiership) pada tahun 1955 pada masa jabatan Ted Drake sebagai manajer.

Chelsea kembali menjadi juara Liga Utama Inggris 50 kemudian, yaitu pada tahun 2005, pada masa jabatan manajer Jose Mourinho (2004 - 2007), yang saat itu mendapat dukungan penuh dari pemilik milyader minyak berkebangsaan Rusia, Roman Abramovich. Tapi beberapa penampilan yang buruk pada awal kompetisi 2007/2008 ditambah dengan ketidak sesuaian keduanya, akhirnya Jose Mourinho mengundurkan diri dari jabatan manager, dan digantikan oleh Avram Grant mantan manajer tim nasional Israel.

Pada tahun yang sama (2005), Chelsea juga menjuarai Piala Carling dengan mengalahkan Liverpool. Pada tahun 2006, Chelsea mampu kembali menjuarai Liga Utama Inggris. Tahun 2007, Chelsea berhasil juara Piala Carling setelah mengalahkan Arsenal 2-1 dan juara Piala FA setelah mengalahkan Manchester United 1-0 lewat babak perpanjangan waktu.

Pada musim 2007-08, pelatih Jose Mourinho diganti oleh Avram Grant. Diawal masa kepelatiha Grant, banyak kalangan yang memandangnya sebelah mata. Meski demikian, Avram Grant mampu membawa Chelsea menjadi treble runner-up yaitu diajang Piala Carling sebelum dikalahkan Tottenham Hotspur dengan skor 2-1. Disusul menjadi runner-up Liga Utama Inggris dibawah Manchester United dan menjadi runner-up di ajang Liga Champions setelah kalah adu penalti 6-5 dari Manchester United. Namun prestasi yang cukup baik itu tetap membuat Grant harus dipecat di akhir musim.

Chelsea memiliki beberapa pemain-pemain Inggris yang dianggap terbaik saat ini, di antaranya yaitu John Terry (kapten) dan Frank Lampard.

Pemain-pemain terkenal

1900-an: William 'Fatty' Foulke, George 'Gatling Gun' Hilsdon, Robert McRoberts, John Tait Robertson, Ben Warren

1910-an: Jack Harrow, Nils Middelboe, Robert Whittingham

1920-an: Ben Howard Baker, Jack Cock, Tommy Law, Tommy Meehan, GR Mills, Jack Townrow, Bob Turnbull, Andrew Wilson

1930-an: Hughie Gallacher, Sam Weaver, Vic Woodley, George Mills

1940-an: John Harris, Tommy Lawton, Willi Steffen

1950-an: Ken Armstrong,Roy Bentley, Jimmy Greaves

1960-an: Frank Blunstone, Peter Bonetti, Eddie McCreadie, Ken Shellito, Bobby Tambling, Terry Venables

1970-an: Charlie Cooke, Ron Harris, John Hollins, Alan Hudson, Ian Hutchinson, Peter Osgood, Ray Wilkins

1980-an: Paul Canoville, Kerry Dixon, Pat Nevin, Nigel Spackman, David Speedie, Clive Walker

1990-an: Steve Clarke, Roberto Di Matteo, Ruud Gullit, Glenn Hoddle, Mark Hughes, Frank Leboeuf, Graeme Le Saux, Dan Petrescu, Gianluca Vialli, George Weah, Dennis Wise, Ed de Goey, Dimitri Kharine, Tore André Flo, Gianfranco Zola, Gustavo Poyet

2000-an: Marcel Desailly, Eiður Smári Guðjonsen, Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, John Terry, Frank Lampard, Carlo Cudicini, Damien Duff, Arjen Robben, Didier Drogba, Petr Čech, Paulo Ferreira, Michael Ballack, Andriy Shevcenko,Deco

Daftar pemain 2008/2009
Nomor Nama pemain

Penjaga gawang
1 Petr Čech
40 Henrique Hilário
30 Rhys Taylor

Pemain belakang
2 Branislav Ivanovic
3 Ashley Cole
6 Ricardo Carvalho
19 Paulo Ferreira
17 Jose Bosingwa
26 John Terry (kapten)
33 Alex Rodrigo Dias
35 Juliano Belletti
41 Sam Hutchinson
42 Michael Mancienne

20 Deco
5 Michael Essien
8 Frank Lampard (wakil kapten)
10 Joe Cole
12 Mikel John Obi
13 Michael Ballack
27 Mineiro
18 Ricardo Quaresma
15 Florent Malouda

Pemain depan
9 Franco Di Santo
11 Didier Drogba
14 Claudio Pizarro
21 Salomon Kalou
39 Nicolas Anelka
43 Miroslav Stoch

- Guus Hiddink

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passive voice 2

Passive voice is a grammatical voice in which the subject receives the subject receives the action of a transitive verb, and passive refers more generally to verb using this construction and the passages in which they are used.

When rewriting active sentences in passive voices note the following:
- The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
- The finite form of the verb is changed (to be + pas participate)
- The subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)

 Agent
In a passive clause, we usually we a phrase beginning with by if we want to mention the agent-the person or thing that does the action, or that causes what happens

Example :
My Mother makes sandwich every morning
Subject + V1+ S/es + O + C(adv. Of time)

Sandwich is made by my mother every morning
Subject + to be + V3 agent C(adv. Of time)

Present Continuous :
S + to be + being + V3 (past participle)

Present Perfect :
S + has/have + been + V3 (past participle)

Present Continuous :
Active : A young boy is catching a butterfly
Passive : A butter fly is being caught by a young boy

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finite verb

A finite verbs is a verb that is inflected for tense according to the rules and categories of the languages in which it occurs. Finite verbs can form independent clauses, which can stand by their own as complete sentences.

Every grammatically correct sentence or clouse must contain a finite verb; sentence fragments not containing finite verb are described as phrases.

Some interjections can play the same role. Even in English, a sentence like thanks for you help! Has an interjection where it could have a subject and a fibite verb form compare I appreciate your help!

A verb is a world that expression an occurrence, act, or made, of being, finite verbs, sometimes called main verbs, are limited by time (see tense), person, and number.

Verb forms that are not finite include the infinite
Participles (e.g, the broken window..!, The wheezing gentleman…”)

Gerunds and gerundives
English has three kinds of verbals : participles, which function as adjectives, which have noun-like, adjective –like, and adverb-like functions each of these is also used in various common constructs; for example, the past participle is used in farming the perfect aspect (to have done).

Other kinds of verbals, such as gerunds and gerundives, exist in other languages.
Example :
The Finite verbs are the under lived work
One day a crow finds a tasty piece of cheese she picks it up, flaps her wings, and flies to a high branch of a tree to eat it. (…)
Source : International Story

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Recount tell the reader what happened. They retell a past event (e.g a visit to a farm).
Recounts begin by telling the reader who was involved, where this event took place and when it happened. This is called the orientation.
The sequence of events is then described in some sort of order (e.g time).
There may be a re-orientation at the end which summarises the event.

Writing Recounts :

When writing recounts, you should :

· Focus on individual people in use the words, I or we.
· Use words which indicate when (e.g after lunch) and where the events took place (e.g
the shed).
· Write in the past tense (e.g had, visited)
· Use action words (e.g helped, crutched).
Purpose of Recounts :
The purpose of recount is to retell events. The prefix re means again. So to recount is to state again.
Structure :
There is often an opening or setting of a scene (e.g I went to the park).
The events in a recount are often in the order that they happen :

· I went to the park and I saw a pond. The pond had ducks sitting at the side of it.
· A recount will often have a closing statement. (e.g I left the park and went home).

Language Features :

Recount are written in the first in the past tense.
Thet can be written in the first or the third person.
1st person it is happening to the person writing the recount i.e. I went to park.
3rd person an observer is telling it. Tom went to the park, there he saw a pond.
The connectives in a recount are often next, than, after that.
Recounts focus on what an individual or a group of people were doing.
Procedure Text

Procedure help us do a task or make something. They can be set of instructions or directions (e.g step by step method to germinate seeds).
The text below is an example of a procedure. The labels show the structure and language features of procedure text.

> Writing procedure <

When writing procedures you should :
· Use present tense (e.g spray)
· Include technical terms when you need to (e.g friable)
· Use words that tell the reader how, when and where to perform the task (e.g firmly).

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News item is factual text which informs the reader about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important

Social function of news item is : to inform readers, listeners or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important

- Generic Structure
 Newsworthy event (s) : recount the event in summary form
 Background Event (s) : elaborate what happened, to WHOM, in WHAT circumstances
 Sources : comment by participants in, withesses to and authorities to and authorities expert on the event

- Signification grammar features :
 Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
 Generally using simple past tense
 Use of material processes to retell the event
 Using action verbs , (,) : were, run, go, kill, etc
 Using saying verbs , (.) : say, tell
 Focus on circumstances
 Use of projecting verbal processes in sources stages

There are some rules that can help to make newspaper headlines more comprehensible
1. The passive voice is used with out the approprianto form of “be”
2. It is unusually to find complex forms, generally the simple present form is used
3. The present progressive tense is used, usually to describe something that is changing orde ueloping, but the auxiliary verb is usually left out
4. To refer to the future, headlines often use the infinitive
5. Headlines are not always complete sentences

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Present >>> Past
Can >>> Could
Will >>> Would
Shall >>> Should
May >>> Might

1. Could + Verbbase
- To offer suggestions or possibilities
Example :
Doraemon : Oh no! left my short’s
Nobita : Don’t wori, Dora you could borrow my shorts

- To indicate that the ability existed in the past but doesn’t exist now
Example :
Ruther : Ton, can you climb the aple trees
Tony : Well … I could climb apple tree when I was so young. But I thing I’m to heavy to climb it

- To Express polite requests
Example :
 Could I borrow your pencil (please)?
 Could you lend me your jacket now?
 Could you please close the door
 Could you pass the salt

2. Would + Verbbase
- For an action that was repeated regularly in the past
Example :
When I was a child, I would visit my grandparents every weekend

- Insert rather into the pattern and use this expressions to express preferences
Example :
Angga : Ehich country would you rather visit?
Maria : I Would rather visit Tara than somelia

- To express polite requests
Example :
Budi : Would you mind cycling with me, Nada?
Nada : No, not at all. It would be nice

3. Should + Verbbase
- To give definite advice (advisability)
Example :
Derby : You should paint your door, Romeo. It looks terrible
Romeo : Yes, I know I should

4. Might + Verbbase
- To tell possibilities
Exmple :
David : Where is Deddy?
Copperfield : He might be in the studio with Kalina

- To express polite requests
Example :
Tian : Might I borrow your coat?
Chris : I’m afraid not. It has been brought by Danny for week sand I don’t know when he‘ll return it

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A noun phrase is other a single noun or any group of words containing noun or a pronoun that function together as a noun or pronoun, as the subject or object of averb.

For example, ‘they’ , ‘books’, and ‘the books’, are noun phrases, but ‘book’ is just a noun, as you can see in these sentences (in which the noun phrases are all in bold)

- Structure of Noun Phrases:
• A beautiful old painting on the wall

When you use a noun in front of another noun, you never put adjectives between them, you put adjectives in front of the first noun.
Example : We just spoke with a young American boy

Noun phrase can be in form of gerund (base + ing) or gerund and other nouns compounding.
Example : Passing the exam reading a book

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Narrative tekt is a text that tells a story / description of events.

Purpose of Narrative text :

To entertain, to gain and hold a reader’s interest. However narratives can also be
written to teach or inform, to change attitudes / social opinions.

Types of Narrative are Imaginary and Factual or a combination of both.
They may include Fairy Stories, mysteries, science fiction, romances, horror
stories, adventure stories, fables, myths and legends, historical narratives, ballads,
slice of life, and personal experience.

Features :
· Characters with defined personalities / identities
· Dialogue often include – tense may change to the present or the future
· Descriptive language to create images in the reader’s mind and enhance the story.

Structure :
In a traditional narrative, the focus of the text is on a series of actions :

* Orientation :
In which the characters, setting and time of the story are established. Usually
answers who ? when ? where ?
e.g Mr.Wolf went out hunting in the forest one dark goomy night.

* Complication or a problem :
The complication usually involves the main character(s).
(often mirroring the complications in real life).
* Resolution :
There needs to be a resolution of the complication.
The complication may be resolved for better or worse / hapilly or unhappily.

* Re-orientation
The ending of story.

* Evaluation
A stepping back to evaluatethe story or the moral message of the story.

The narrative text use the temporal conjuction . Example :
. once upon a time
. after
. before
. when
. Then, etc.

Sometimes there are a number of complications that have to be resolved.
These add sustain interest and suspense for the reader.

To help students plan for writing of narratives , model, focusing on :
· Plot : what is going to happen ?
· Setting : where and when will the story take place ?
· Characterisation : who are the main characters ? what do they look like ?
· Structure : how will the story begin ? what will be the problem ? how the problem going to be resolved ?
· Theme : what is the theme / message the writer is attempting to communicate ?

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[VERB] + s/es in third person

You speak English.
Do you speak English?
You do not speak English.

Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do.

I play tennis.
She does not play tennis.
Does he play tennis?
The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.
The train does not leave at 9 AM.
When does the train usually leave?
She always forgets her purse.
He never forgets his wallet.
Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun.
Does the Sun circle the Earth?

The Simple Present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is true now, and will be true in the future. It is not important if the speaker is correct about the fact. It is also used to make generalizations about people or things.

Cats like milk.
Birds do not like milk.
Do pigs like milk?
California is in America.
California is not in the United Kingdom.
Windows are made of glass.
Windows are not made of wood.

Speakers occasionally use Simple Present to talk about scheduled events in the near future. This is most commonly done when talking about public transportation, but it can be used with other scheduled events as well.

The train leaves tonight at 6 PM.
The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM.
When do we board the plane?
The party starts at 8 o'clock.
When does class begin tomorrow?
Speakers sometimes use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is happening or is not happening now. This can only be done with Non-Continuous Verbs and certain Mixed Verbs.

I am here now.
She is not here now.
He needs help right now.
He does not need help now.
He has his passport in his hand.
Do you have your passport with you?

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The aim of descriptive text : to describe the characteristics of particular person, thing, or place.

Text Structure
- Identification : Identifies thing, person, place, phenomenon to be described
- Description : Gives the information of particular thing, person, or place being discussed or describes parts, qualities, or characteristics.

Grammatical Features :
- Who? What?
- Using lingking verb and simple present tense
- Epithet : adjective or adjective phrase
- Attributive (the)
- Use of attributive and identifying process

Example Of Descriptive Text :
We have three family pets : a dog, and a tortoise

- The Dogs name is Benjamin. He is golden lambrador. He is beautiful. He has big brown eyes and a long tail. He is very friendly dog, but he is sometimes a little stupid. Dogs are expensive to keep bubt the yare fun to play with
- Our cat is named Martha. She is quite young, but she is not a kitten. She is very pretty. She has black and white for and green eyes. She’s smart, too and very clean.
- The tortoise’s name is Rocky. He has short, fat legs a long neck, and a very hard shell. HE is also very old and slow. He’s ugly and dirty, but I like him

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Direct Speech refers to reproducing another person’s exact words or saying exactly what someone has said (sometimes called quoted speech)

We use quotation marks (“__________”) and it should be world for word

For Example :
Edy said, “it’s hot
“it’s hot, “Edy said”

Indirect speech refers to reproducing the idea of another person’s words that doesn’t use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesn’t have to be word for word

Indirect Speech is sometimes called reported speech

The tense usually changes when reporting speech this is because we are usually talking about a time in the post and obviously the person who spoke or ginally spoke in the past.

The verbs there fore usually have to be in the fast too

- Note : the reporting verbs that are usually used to report imperative sent are : Tell, order, command, ask, warn, remind
- Don’t forget to mention the indirect object father warned me motto drive fast
- When we want to report what someone said, we do not usually repeat their exact words, we use words. We can use reporting verbs, such as tell, say, ask followed by that–clause?
Example : My mother said that she got up at 5 O’clock
- When reporting verbs is in the present, present perfect, or future, there is no change of tense in the words reported
Example :
- She will tell you

In times expressions and pronouns
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Now Then
Today/Tonight That day/ That night
Last week The previous week
Ago Before

Sometimes we need to report someone’s questions the reported question are introduced with the verb ask, inquire, wonder, want to know, etc.

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Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.

Example: My bike was stolen.

In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it.

Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following example shows:

Example: A mistake was made.

In this case, I focus on the fact that a mistake was made, but I do not blame anyone (e.g. You have made a mistake.).
Form of Passive

Subject + finite form of to be + Past Participle (3rd column of irregular verbs)

Example: A letter was written.

When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:
the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)
Examples of Passive Level: lower intermediateTense Subject Verb Object
Simple Present Active: Rita writes a letter.
Passive: A letter is written by Rita.
Simple Past Active: Rita wrote a letter.
Passive: A letter was written by Rita.
Present Perfect Active: Rita has written a letter.
Passive: A letter has been written by Rita.
Future I Active: Rita will write a letter.
Passive: A letter will be written by Rita.
Hilfsverben Active: Rita can write a letter.
Passive: A letter can be written by Rita.

Examples of Passive Level: upper intermediateTense Subject Verb Object
Present Progressive Active: Rita is writing a letter.
Passive: A letter is being written by Rita.
Past Progressive Active: Rita was writing a letter.
Passive: A letter was being written by Rita.
Past Perfect Active: Rita had written a letter.
Passive: A letter had been written by Rita.
Future II Active: Rita will have written a letter.
Passive: A letter will have been written by Rita.
Conditional I Active: Rita would write a letter.
Passive: A letter would be written by Rita.
Conditional II Active: Rita would have written a letter.
Passive: A letter would have been written by Rita.

Passive Sentences with Two Objects Level: intermediate

Rewriting an active sentence with two objects in passive voice means that one of the two objects becomes the subject, the other one remains an object. Which object to transform into a subject depends on what you want to put the focus on. Subject Verb Object 1 Object 2
Active: Rita wrote a letter to me.
Passive: A letter was written to me by Rita.
Passive: I was written a letter by Rita.


As you can see in the examples, adding by Rita does not sound very elegant. That’s why it is usually dropped.
Personal and Impersonal Passive

Personal Passive simply means that the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence. So every verb that needs an object (transitive verb) can form a personal passive.

Example: They build houses. – Houses are built.

Verbs without an object (intransitive verb) normally cannot form a personal passive sentence (as there is no object that can become the subject of the passive sentence). If you want to use an intransitive verb in passive voice, you need an impersonal construction – therefore this passive is called Impersonal Passive.

Example: he says – it is said

Impersonal Passive is not as common in English as in some other languages (e.g. German, Latin). In English, Impersonal Passive is only possible with verbs of perception (e. g. say, think, know).

Example: They say that women live longer than men. – It is said that women live longer than men.

Although Impersonal Passive is possible here, Personal Passive is more common.

Example: They say that women live longer than men. – Women are said to live longer than men.

The subject of the subordinate clause (women) goes to the beginning of the sentence; the verb of perception is put into passive voice. The rest of the sentence is added using an infinitive construction with 'to' (certain auxiliary verbs and that are dropped).

Sometimes the term Personal Passive is used in English lessons if the indirect object of an active sentence is to become the subject of the passive sentence.

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